Crinum asiaticum is a Deciduous, clump-forming perennial with semi-erect, mid-green leaves, to 1.2m long, grouped at the top of a false stem. Bears umbels of 20 or more narrow-totaled, fragrant white flowers, 10cm long, from spring to summer. Height 60cm, Spread 15cm. A native of Tropical S.E. Asia.
Asiatic Poison Lily, Bakung, Bawang Hutan, Crinum asiaticum, Crinum Lily, Poison Bulb, Seashore Crinum, Seashore Lily, Spider Lily
During summer, Water daily or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. During Winter season water once in 2 days or when the soil starts to become slightly dry at the top. Keep the soil lightly moist at all times, but do not overwater as this will cause brown spots and leaf drop. Curly or dry leaves suggest, the plant is dry and needs watering. Water in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. Always check your soil before watering.