Makoyana Self watering 30-40cm | indoor plant | Best Online Plants |
Makoyana Self watering 30-40cm | indoor plant | Best Online Plants |
The Peacock plant, also known as Calathea makoyana, is a beautiful tropical houseplant, famed for its beautiful, contrasting green and purplish-red leaves that will brighten up any indoor living space. They do take a little bit of work to keep in good condition, so read on to learn all you need to know about peacock plant care.
Peacock plants are native to the tropical forests of Brazil, where they grow in the understory of the forest, where there is limited direct light at ground level. Because of this, they have lower light requirements than many other houseplants. Place your peacock plant where it receives bright, indirect light. A north facing windowsill, or close to an east facing window will provide good light levels. In rooms that receive a lot of direct light, you can place your plant further from the window, or shield it from direct light with furniture, curtains or blinds.
Peacock plants will thrive in homes with higher humidity especially where humidity levels are upwards of 60%. They do well in bathrooms if they can receive enough sunlight. The warm, moist air is reminiscent of their rainforest origins.To increase humidity, there are lots of options. Many people advise misting your houseplants, but this is far from the best way to reliably improve humidity. Try grouping your plants together, setting your plant in a tray containing pebbles and water, or use an electric humidifier.
Getting watering and humidity levels right are essential for good peacock plant care. The trick with watering is to keep the soil nicely moist, but avoid letting it get soggy.