Dracena Massangeana 150cm-160cm | indoor plant | Best Online Plants shop | PlantMartUAE.com
Dracena Massangeana 150cm-160cm | indoor plant | Best Online Plants shop | PlantMartUAE.com
A dracaena massangeana, also called a dracaena corn plant, can tolerate low light but grows faster and produces larger leaves in medium to bright indirect light. The pale yellow center stripe in the leaves of a dracaena corn plant requires better light. Like all dracaenas, allow the top 50-75% of the soil to dry out before watering. This plant survives under-watering but quickly dies from over-watering. If your water contains fluoride or chlorine, allow it sit out over-night before using it so the chemicals can dissipate. High concentrations of fluoride damage the leaves of dracaenas and cause brown leaf tips. Never use water that has passed through a softener. It is too salty and causes leaf damage. Use a loose, fast-draining, well-aerated soil. A dracaena can even be grown in lava rock mixed with soil.
Light requirement:
Bright indoor light or indirect sun. 6 hours to 8 hours